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4 Temmuz 2022 Pazartesi

Mussolini- Denial of individuality and the importance of the state



Fascism is against all individual abstractions based on eighteenth century materiali

sm; and against all Jacobinist utopias and innovations. XVIII. It does not believe in the possibility of "happiness" on earth as conceived by the economic literature of the century, and therefore rejects the view that humanity will find a final solution to all its difficulties at some point in the future. This concept goes against the experience that teaches that life is in constant flux and evolution.


Fascism in politics aims at realism; in practice it only wants to deal with problems that are the spontaneous product of historical conditions and that find or propose their own solutions. Man can have an effect on man and nature only by entering the process of reality and seizing the forces that operate within it.


The anti-individualist, Fascist understanding of life emphasizes the importance of the State and accepts the interests of the individual only to the extent that they coincide with the interests of the State, which represents the conscience and universal will of man as a historical entity. It is against classical liberalism, which emerged as a reaction to absolutism and exhausted its historical function as the state became the expression of the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism 'denies' the State in the name of the individual; Fascism reasserts the rights of the State by expressing the true essence of the individual, and freedom is not for him (for Fascists) the 'abstract idiots' invented by individualist liberalism (I think he's talking about the lack of action, I had to translate it that way because it says 'abstract dummies' in English) If it is the quality of the people living in the State, then Fascism sees freedom and the only freedom worth having as the freedom of the State and the individual within the State. The understanding of the Fascist State encompasses everything; There can be no human or spiritual value other than that.


Seen in this way, Fascism is totalitarian and the Fascist State is a synthesis of all values. Interprets, develops and strengthens the whole life of a people


Mussolini-Doctrine of Fascism, 1932 (Translated, please warn if there are translation errors)

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